
Lead Generation for SaaS App

Client: Teamzy

Project focus: Website, Lead Generation, Facebook Ads, Landing Pages

Project Overview

Teamzy is an app for Network Marketers to organize their contacts and keep track of their activity. Direct sales reps use this tool to grow their network and expand their business.

Teamzy wanted to be able to find their target customers and generate leads on a consistent basis.

  • Timeline: 3 months
  • Tools: Sketch, WordPress, Facebook Ads, Mailchimp

The Challenge

Teamzy faced the challenge of finding a way to advertise while keeping costs low. We knew people would be more likely to buy a subscription if they were given a free trial. So we set out to find a social platform and test a few ideas.


From awareness to trial, to customerwe designed Teamzy’s entire marketing funnel. We track every stage and continue to optimize using data and user behavior.

High-Converting, Optimized Landing Pages

Teamzy landing pages have been tested and optimized over time to perform well. When you’re spending money, it’s vital to highlight the benefits your business offers.

Online Advertising

High performing ads with targeting, graphic, animation and copywriting.

Style and Branding

Its design style and feel are consistent throughout their entire funnel, making the process easy to follow and memorable.

Automated Email Campaigns

We created an email campaign which not only educated users on Teamzy, but also the benefits of using it in their businesses. A good onboarding process is key to increasing conversions.

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